Tuesday 5 January 2010

"All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning"

So this is my ridiculous beginning! I wanted a place to practice my writing, and my book critiques and here seemed as good a place as any. Hopefully this blog is the first step to me becoming a writer and reviewer for the Bookseller magazine...

My blog is mainly going to be book reviews and updates of what i've read and what I am going to read. There will probably be odds and ends which are unrelated to reading as well, depending on what is going on in my life, but as my life tends to revolve around reading and making the boyfriend coffee and food I doubt i'll stray too far off the point.

So, as you can see theres nothing up at the moment whilst I get my reviews together, but within a few days I expect i'll post two or three in a row to get this thing going :)

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